Nativity sticker book Jane Chisholm
Автор: Chisholm Jane Художник: Princesse Camcam Издательство: Usborne, 2018 г. Серия: Usborne Sticker Books
Научный редактор: Соконов Спиридон Петрович
Главный художник: Тимчук Антон Николаевич
Оформитель: Зинчев Феоктист Игнатьевич
Кол-во страниц: 431
Формат: txt, fb2, pdf
О книге "Nativity sticker book"
A beautifully illustrated sticker book of the best-known and most-loved paintings of the Nativity story. Each page shows a different event in the Nativity story, from Mary meeting the Angel Gabriel to Jesus' birth and the journey of the Three Kings. Includes information about the artists, the stories behind the paintings and the hidden meanings of some of the signs and symbols the artists used. Published in association with The National Gallery. Читать электронную книгу Nativity sticker book Jane Chisholm.